
»Manifesto of Polyorgasmic Disobedience

  • we disobey the idea that event is a stable signifier of the significance of time
  • when is the event coming? is it forthcoming, or has it come? (in this moment there could be someone reading you a poem)
  • we challenge boredom as synonymous with waiting
  • we experiment idleness as a duration pregnant with necessity
  • taking time is to multiply the potentiality of event
  • taking time is to extract the event from its own value realisation
  • taking time means to displace the potentiality of value realisation
  • taking time is to have time being the utopian horizon of space (utopia: no place, no single charged venue of happening)
  • to welcome potentiality is to challenge public appearance, as well as traces, of events worth participating in.

Giulia Palladini
/ Reader 2 p. 329