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Register: Rainer, Yvonne
· · No Manifesto’
1. No to spectacle
2. No to virtuosity
3. No to transformations and magic and
4. No to the glamour and transcendency
of the star image
5. No to the heroic
6. No to the antiheroic
7. No to trash imagery
8. No to involvement of performer or spectator
9. No to style
10. No to camp
11. No to seduction of spectator by the wiles of
the performer
12. No to eccentricity
13. No to moving or being moved
· · 1. Avoid if at all possible
2. Acceptable in limited quantity
3. Magic is out the other two are
sometimes tolerable
4. Acceptable only as quotation
5. Dancers are ipso facto heroic
6. Don’t agree with that one
7. Don’t understand that one
8. Spectators: stay in your seats
9. Style is unavoidable
10. A little goes a long way
11. Unavoidable
12. If you mean „unpredictable“, that‘s the name of the game
13. Unavoidable