Register: Buckminster Fuller, Richard
071 · Kornelia Imesch · Insel des Glücks: Der Saad iyat Island Cultural District vor Abu Dhabi als Beispiel für Kunst und ihre Zentren in Zeiten der Krise
It is my working assumption that the following 40 questions must be definitively answered before we may realistically discuss our respective philosophies and grand strategies.
1. What do we mean by universe? 2. Has man a function in universe? 3. What is thinking?
4. What are experiences?
5. What are experiments?
6. What is subjective?
7. What is objective?
8. What is apprehension?
9. What is comprehension?
10. What is positive? Why?
11. What is negative? Why?
12. What is physical?
13. What is metaphysical?
14. What is synergy?
15. What is energy?
16. What is brain?
17. What is intellect?
18. What is science?
19. What is a system?
20. What is consciousness?
21. What is subconsciousness? 22. What is teleology?
23. What is automation?
24. What is a tool?
25. What is industry?
26. What is animate?
27. What is inanimate?
28. What are metabolics?
29. What is wealth?
30. What is intuition?
31. What are aesthetics?
32. What is harmonic?
33. What is prosaic?
34. What are the senses?
35. What are mathematics? 36. What is structure?
37. What is differentiation? 38. What is integration?
39. What is integrity?
40. What is truth?
· · Truth is a tendency.
· · Man schafft niemals Veränderung, indem man das Bestehende bekämpft. Um etwas zu verändern, baut man Modelle, die das Alte überflüssig machen.